We were among the first to imagine the sales book that best met the requirements of the sales teams and their management.
Since our beginnings in 2006, our expertise on the sales book has proven itself. We address SMEs, SMIs, Key Accounts and all companies with a sales team.
Okalys is a business solution that responds to the challenges of the sales profession, whatever their sector of activity and whatever the size of their teams. This is why today we equip companies in the food industry, consumer products, professional products, business services, technical consulting, pharmaceuticals, software, industry ... and many others, in France and abroad.
Several thousands of field users and head office administrators use the Okalys sales book to meet the needs of sales forces because they trust our team, our technology and our expertise.
Choose the digital sales support tool that has attracted companies such as :

Luxe / Textile

Produits de Grande Consommation

Industrie / Services

Pharmacie / Parapharmacie / OTC

Customer Success Stories
Découvrez comment nous accompagnons nos clients pour améliorer les performances de leurs commerciaux et de leurs services marketing.
Ils nous font confiance et vous le disent...

" Mr Cadic a été précurseur et est certainement un des meilleurs en PWA. Le confort du web avec la fluidité du off-line et l'ergonomie de powerpoint! A voir absolument pour se rendre compte ! "
JC. Berthie, Purchasing Process & Training Manager chez Groupe Lactalis

" Une équipe d'une grande disponibilité. Un projet réussi pour CSP Paris. "
M. Deragne, Directeur du réseau de Ventes chez CSP Paris

" Super plate-forme que notre équipe s'est appropriée rapidement ! "
C.Charrier Community manager chez Ethiquable
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